Special cars

The V-370 is the ultimate in mobile workshops in terms of technology and design. This capsule provides unsurpassed aerodynamics, integrated rain gutters and 60/40 doors, making it unique compared to the V-365. All Maranda Workshop Capsules are made from high-strength, lightweight composite materials and can be transferred from one truck to another fully-loaded in less than 30 minutes.

Created specifically for full-size trucks with an 8′ bed length, the V-370 gives you a complete interior workshop protecting you from the weather. Most adult males will have no problem standing at full height inside of this capsule.

سيارات الورش المتنقلة بكابينة الفايبركلاس المعزول حراريا حيث تم عزل الورشة بمادة البولي يورثان العازل الحراري والصوتي , وسيتم تكييف الكابينة بجهاز تبريد بمايسمح بتوفير الاجواء الصحية في داخل الكابينة.


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